Martin Del Campo/Romero/De La Torre & Photos

I am still waiting to get my scanner fixed before I can upload a wonderful
wedding photo of my grandmother and her two sisters and other photos, as
well. I am also still trying to find out the connection to my Martin Del

Poems and Cuentos

I was checking out the Poems and Cuentos in the files and thought of asking
if anyone had ever heard of the story from Jalisco about "hijo de la yegua
rusa," which means son of a russian mare. Anyways, my mother regrets not


Nuestros Ranchos members

URL sites for history, fotos of city/pueblos and areas
of interest Dream Trip.

YAHUALICA 105 kms (66miles) from Guadalara, Jalisco,


Una vez mas les pido ayuda a mis primos mas sabios! What is Ayuntamiento in the city government? What is the purpose and how does it compare to what we have in the United States. Would there be any reason to view these films and how or what strategies would any researcher need to use and follow. Any and all guidance would be appreciated.


Reading of breakthroughs, reminds me of finding the name of my grandmother's
twin sister and the correct year of her birth. For as long as I can
remember, my grandmother, Concepción Martínez Tisnado de Monreal, had

Ancestor report for Zenaida Orozco Moreno

Hola a todos:

En mi folder de archivos podrán encontrar un reporte de los ancestros de mi
bisabuela Zenaida Orozco Moreno. (14 generaciones)

Archivos --- Archivos de Genealogia de Miembros --- Jose Humberto Suarez

New Lineage VALLEJO in Jalostotitlan, Tepatitlan

I have today made a breakthrough in one of my paternal grandmother's
lineages that takes me back to Jalostotitlan and Tepatitlan. I know
that there are lots of members with Alteno lineages so I am hoping I

Comment on my genealogy file

John Robles asked where I am located and that he knew a Martin Del Campo.
That made me realize I did not elaborate on my genealogy just where I fit
in. The Martin Del Campo line is my mother's mother's paternal line. My

Los Onate - soc sec

THe most I had to present besides the cash was a death certificate of the person I was looking for.
My great uncle's soc sec # was on his death certificate so I knew what social security # to request the

Cap. Diego Robles 1598 Cuencame

Speaking of the Robles family, does anyone know anything about a Cap.Diego Robles in CUencame. He is supposedly credited with the finding of Parras,Coahuila in 1598. He was from Cuencame.

I ask because I am desended from the Robles family from Parras, General Cepeda, and Monclova. I am blocked and struggling to make a connection to him.