Dear Alice:
EL ARCHIVO HISTÓRICO DE AGUASCALIENTES concentra documentación e información
desde el año de 1592 hasta 1930, y está dividido en fondos, series y
secciones. Aproximadamente un 70% se encuentra clasificado, todo está



Here is the link to Geneanet:

Emilie Garcia
Port Orchard, WA ---

Para Eddy, Discrepancia de Datos.

Hola a todos en el Sub-grupo Centro:

Hola Eddy, vi lo que mandaste de tu genealogia, y
yo tengo algo que discrepa con tu investigacion, y no
se si alguien pueda ayudarnos a discernir sobre que

Civil Censuses in Mexico

Thanks so much for the information, Arturo. This affirms the need to search maternal names just as carefully. I believ I've read that it wasn't unheard of for a husband to take his wife's maiden surname, if she was the sole heir to land or fortune. Alice Blake

Asientos, Aguascalientes Feb 1839 Church Census listing Haciendas and Ranchos

Hello Rose, Very interesting. I was wondering if these were working haciendas/ranchos in 1839, or pueblitos named for the former haciendas; and if the founders or owners were named. Thanks, Alice Blake

Asientos, Aguascalientes Feb 1839 Church Census listing Haciendas and Ranchos

I have just upload a list of Haciendas and Ranchos from the 1839 Church Census of Asientos, Aguascalientes. There are some names that were hard to make out so I put question marks after the name.

Los Oñate en Aguascalientes

Miembros de la familia Oñate vivieron en Aguascalientes. Doña María de Oñate
viuda de Andrés López de la Cerda, vendió en en el año de 1743 a Diego de
Medina y Lomas, una mulata esclava llamada Nicolasa de la O. El texto

Padrones de Panuco

Hello Arturo, I've researched the 1930 census for Villa Garcia and Vetagrande, Zacatecas. That was not church related, right? Or is this the same data. If it isn't, how do I acquire it? Thanks so much, Alice Blake

Salt Lake Next Week

Everybody and anybody who is headed to Salt Lake next week, can you
please email me privately and let me know where you will be staying
and how we can get in touch? It would be nice to organize a Nuestros

Some spirits!

Some months ago a boy from my neighbor´s throw some rocks from his second floor terrace to my second floor roof. I yelled asking him to stop, he not even turn his head, then I manaced to tell his mom and it worked! The past weekend he did it again but with wooden blocks (tiny blocks) so I went to his door, his grandma granted me to come in, so I did. We had a little chat and she was nice listening to me and asking me question about my family and I ask about hers. Then I dropped it