
To John G. and John R.,

Thanks, guys, for the information on the various map sites. I found the Maps of Mexico link on the Nuestros Ranchos site works best for me. So does the MSN Maps (the old one with just maps, not the new one with the satellite photos).

To John Robles


You say "there are no films from the years I am looking for" but that you were going to get them from the LDS Library. I am curious---where have you been viewing films? I thought only the LDS Family History Center libraries and some libraries in El Paso, TX had microfilms from Mexico.

de la Rosa Sandoval - Fresnillo, Zacatecas-

I’m searching my father’s line to Zacatecas, the name of my great grandmother was Ines de la Rosa Sandoval, all I know is that she was born in Fresnillo, Zacatecas around 1887-1889 (on the birth record of my grandfather said she was 36 by the time he was born -1925-)

More on Place Names

My recent research into my husband's ancestry has taken me farther afield from Encarnacion de Diaz, Jalisco where I found his grandfather, great-grandfather ---- back to his gggg-grandfather. Now I am in unfamiliar territory.

Los O


I will call you cousin for I have Onate ancestry also. My Onate heritage dates back to the colonization of Zacatecas and Oaxaca of New Mexico.

You found the marriage of Agustina Santelices and Luis Onate. That is a good begining. I am willing to help you research the Onates. So far I have been lucky in my own research. I am kind of curious if you go back to Juan or Cristobal Onate as I do. I will need the date of Agustina and Luis' marriage and the place and the church. I also need to know where and when the other children of the marriage were born. Did you read the documents in their entriety?

Morcinique, Aguascalientes

Emilie Garcia:

En la Geografía e Historia de Aguascalientes aparece “Morcinique”, que
probablemente es una deformación de una palabra Nahuatl. En antiguos
escritos del S. XVII, aparece como vocablo con diversas deformaciones

Los Oñate de Alice

Leticia, Thank you. With your ears up and my antennas, I'm optimistic! ABB

--- wrote:

From: Leticia Leon
Subject: Re: [Nuestros Ranchos] Los Oñate de Alice

Great geographical resource

Hello all
I have located a great geagraphical resource that has allowed me to locate the brithplaces of both grandparents in Aguascalientes. They were both small places, and I never thought I could find them until I located this resource. Just click on the link and go to the site. THere you can search by country, and once in the country listing you can search by place name. I clicked on Ojo de Agua de Rosales and it located it for me on a satellite map and listed the GPS locations and elevations, etc. I also clicked on La Hacienda in Aguascalientes and got similar results. It's a great resource. The link is

Info for Emilie

That's all fascinating, cousin John. I hope to get back to researching our ancestry after I settle into my new home this weekend.

I leave Los Angeles this Friday en route to my new home which I have named Las Brisas.

Membership Requirements

I'm confused by all this that has been posted with reference to not knowing
or not having the time... I have found that all one needs to do is post a
message requesting help... and the flood gates open up, sending helpers