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Some spirits!

By Marionicia - Posted on 06 October 2006

Some months ago a boy from my neighbor´s throw some rocks from his second floor terrace to my second floor roof. I yelled asking him to stop, he not even turn his head, then I manaced to tell his mom and it worked! The past weekend he did it again but with wooden blocks (tiny blocks) so I went to his door, his grandma granted me to come in, so I did. We had a little chat and she was nice listening to me and asking me question about my family and I ask about hers. Then I dropped it
my Genealogy questionaire! there is a little story behind this.

Like 25 year ago my mom and she had a verbal street fight about some water delivery, ´couse those days there where no tab water we had to pay for tanks.

Since then we, the families, don´t talk to each other.

And this ocasion she received me in her home with expression like "come on in Leticia", "it has been long time since I don´t chat with you!

There is more! This lady is a relative of my mom, not very close, and so is of my dad! I don´t know yet how or how far are we related and she ofered me to investigate names with her brother. Are there spirits working around throwing stones?!

We always knew we were related, but just when I was wondering how to investigat his grandson throw items to my roor!