Babelfish Translation


I think there are some services where you can copy and paste what you want translated, and they will have a trained translator do an exact translation in good proper English, but you have to wait for them to get back to you. Some of them also want to charge you for the service.

Report on Salt Lake City trip

I am finally back in San Antonio and trying to get "back to normal" after
spending a wonderful week at the FHC in SLC meeting some great people~!

Meeting with Kitty and Rich Cortez as well as with Arturo Ramos, Lydia

General Digest, Vol 9, Issue 17

I have tried Babelfish translations and as an example I have come up
with the following translation of the message below. Does anyone
have a better method of translating? This loses me. I'm sure no one

Zacatecas Marriages 1600s

While in Salt Lake City last weekend, I spent time going through the earliest Zacatecas, Zacatecas film of "Informacion Matrimonial." I have begun extracting all of the marriages from 1604 (beginning of the film) through 1628 (when the film lapses until about 1680).

Para Tomas Alejandro

Hola Tomas Alejandro,

A qual proyecto del arbol genealogico mundial mandaste tu genealogia? Fue o o RootswebWorldConnect?

Si mandas tu arbol geneagolico a WorldConnect en formato gedcom, esta disponible publicamente, como los mios para quales te mande los "links". No los has visto? O mandas los aqui a Nuestros Ranchos a la base Gedcom.

Preview of Book

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announce Digest, Vol 9, Issue 7

I can help with list items 1-3. I have some familiarity with web stuff,
Drupal, and databases (for putting a master list together).

Ed Davila

----- Original Message ----
From: Joseph Puentes

New Findings

Thanks to Rich and Kitty Cortez who copied 8 records for me while they were in Salt Lake I have some major new discoveries. Talk about some eyeopeners !!!

Here's my ancestry in this my maternal grandmother's line, Maria del Refugio Ruiz, Esparza born Aug 1900>>her father and my g-grandfather, Refugio Ruiz Muños Bapt 01 March 1869. He was the son of Jose Rafael Ruiz Esparza my gg-grandfather born around 1834, son of my ggg -grandfather, Cirilo Ruiz, Alvares & Maria Cayetana Esparza, Luevano, daughter of my gggg -grandparents, Doroteo Esparza & Maria Dolores Luevano.

[] 7055 Solicitud de Informacion de Libros

2006/10/16, Tomás Alejandro Villegas Gómez :
> Hola Roque:
> A mi me interesa una copia del libro, estoy en
> la ciudad de Guadalajara, Jalisco, como podrias

Book Published - Libro Publicado

As I mentioned to a number of you, I have been working on a book dealing with the historical ethnography of the Tlaltenango Valley and Bolanos Canyon region of Jalisco and Zacatecas and within this context exposing my father's genealogy. The book is now available for purchase. On the website of the printer, there is a preview available. I will make a more extensive preview, including the name index available on this site over the weekend.

The book can be purchased in soft or hard cover at:

Como le he mencionado a algunos de Vds., he estado trabajando en una obra que trate la etnografia historica de la region del Valle de Tlaltenango y la Barranca de Bolanos en Jalisco y Zacatecas, y dentro de este contexto, expongo la genealogia de mi padre. El libro ya esta disponible para comprar. En el sitio de la impresora, hay una muestra de anticipio del libro. Elaborare y hare disponible en este sitio una muestra mas extensiva durante el fin de semana.

El libro se puede comprar en pasta blanda o dura en: