Before Hacienda Santo Domingo... NOw Santo Domingo SLP

HI everybody just a quick question too all i know that santo domingo falls into SLP but its not far from Sacatecaz also i know that allot of this people from santo domingo comes from Sacatecaz i been trying to find info about this town but it seen that the internet do not have info on this town if anyone know anything about this town please i will be very happy if you share it with me

Ávila Haro de Pedroza, Cristina (Tlaltenango de Sánchez Román, Momax, San Lorenzo, Los Sedanos, El Plateado, Atolinga)

Hello, everyone. I'd just like to introduce myself as a new member of this research group. I very recently started researching my family history, but I have been interested in it for years. I have a bit of information from what my grandparents can tell me and also one great-grandmother (103-105 years old), but most dates are missing as of yet. Anyway, I just thought I'd share what I have in the hopes that someone might see a connection to my family, however remote it might be, and we can maybe exchange it.

Are You Non Profit??Free Hosting/joseph

If you are a Non Profit or know some worth organization that is a non
profit please forward this along. I wish Nuestra Familia Unida was (well
maybe I wish that) or the project:

Disappearing Member Genealogy File Folders

A number of members have written about their member genealogies folders going missing after updating them. I apologize for the glitch. It appears that due to a change we made to the site when file folders were being updated, they were being taken out of the "Member Genealogy" category and therefore no longer appearing in the file folder listing. However, the folders are still all there and we have restored those of which we have been made aware we have to their correct place. We have also fixed the glitch so this should no longer happen in the future.

Salado/Esparza (corrected)


Thanks for the information. Bernardo Ruiz de Esparza, alias Bernardo Salado, was indeed a legitimate son of Lope Ruiz de Esparza. I have lots of documentation to prove that. Attached you will find excerpts of his final will and testament, which reads as follows:

Julian Alviso born 1856 to 1858

To say that you know Julian was born in San Miguel is a little optimistic, he may or may not have been born in San Miguel. I have found for example for one individual when his children were born and it will say he was from a certain place such as La Estancia and in the birth of one of his other children it will say he was from Tlachichila and the birth of another child will say Monte de Duranes. Take that as a lead but until you find proof you can surmise or guess that he was born in San Miguel.

Julian Alviso born 1865

I have been in search of my husband's grandparents birth and marriage records. I recently found them on a Valle de Guadalupe baptism of Jose 1/15/1906, son of Juan de Alva and Trinidad Jauregui. Trinidad was my husband's maternal great aunt.

OT: Trip to Jalisco and Zacatecas - I drink the water in Mexico

My children and I lived in Tijuana for two years so my six children
(ages 1 to 12 when we arrived) could learn Spanish and be immersed in the
culture of their father's side of the family. (My husband came to visit us

Banuelos Quesada in Huejucar Jalisco

Are the Banauelos related tothe Trevinos way back in the 1500s? Some children of Diego Tevino and
Francisca Alcocer took Trevino and others Banuelos? I think Francisca Alcocer died in Guadalajara in mid 1500s. SOme of her sons moved to Zacatecas city. Diego Trevino, the son for one. Children of

Nuestros Ranchos Somos Primos submission

this appeared in the latest Somos Primos newsletter:

*Nuestros Ranchos: Jalisco, Zacatecas y Aguascalientes

Are you researching your ancestors that at sometime lived in or were
from Jalisco, Zacatecas, and/or Aguascalientes? If you are a