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Ávila Haro de Pedroza, Cristina (Tlaltenango de Sánchez Román, Momax, San Lorenzo, Los Sedanos, El Plateado, Atolinga)

By cavilah - Posted on 06 December 2006

Hello, everyone. I'd just like to introduce myself as a new member of this research group. I very recently started researching my family history, but I have been interested in it for years. I have a bit of information from what my grandparents can tell me and also one great-grandmother (103-105 years old), but most dates are missing as of yet. Anyway, I just thought I'd share what I have in the hopes that someone might see a connection to my family, however remote it might be, and we can maybe exchange it.

Thanks and wish me luck!

Cristina Ávila Haro (de Pedroza)

P. S. My very disorganized family tree can be found here:

Family Names

Name (middle name is mother’s maiden)
Álva, Concepción 1
Ávila, Cristina Haro - SELF
Ávila, Jesús 1
Ávila, José Álva 1
Ávila, Ramón Ruiz 1
Campos, Adela Campos 2
Campos, Atanacio Mota 2
Campos, Ladislao 2
Campos, María de Jesús Cornejo 2
Campos, Valentín 2
Cornejo Catarina/Carolina Reyes 2
Haro, Luis Haro 2
Haro, María de la Luz Campos 2
Haro, Rosendo Velásquez 2
Haro, Soledad Gutiérrez 2
Mota, Cruz 2
Ruiz, Felipe Róbles 1
Ruiz, María Guadalupe Sedano 1
Sedano, Mercedes Correa 1

1 - Paternal
2 - Maternal