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Julian Alviso born 1856 to 1858

By oldcar53 - Posted on 04 December 2006

To say that you know Julian was born in San Miguel is a little optimistic, he may or may not have been born in San Miguel. I have found for example for one individual when his children were born and it will say he was from a certain place such as La Estancia and in the birth of one of his other children it will say he was from Tlachichila and the birth of another child will say Monte de Duranes. Take that as a lead but until you find proof you can surmise or guess that he was born in San Miguel.
One other detail is the supposed age. I have one ancestor who had several children and with each child the age listed for him remained the same. My take on that is always to calculate +/- 10 years of age from the age listed in the document. You may have to order the films for San Miguel for the years before 1862 and after 1870.

Take it as a possibility that he was born in San Miguel and then again maybe not. After 3 years of searching for the birth or baptism of my father in-law, I still have not found a birth or baptismal document.

Good Luck,
Alicia in San Jose, Calif

Julian Alviso born 1856 to 1858

I have been in search of my husband's grandparents birth and marriage records. I recently found them on a Valle de Guadalupe baptism of Jose 1/15/1906, son of Juan de Alva and Trinidad Jauregui. Trinidad was my husband's maternal great aunt. It listed Julian Alviso as 40 years old and from San Miguel and Catarina Jaurequi as 28 years old, but I could not read her place of origin. I was unable to print a copy yet as the printing machine in the history center has been out of service. Hopefully when I am able to print a copy, I will be able to read Catarina place of origin with the help of a magnifying glass. Well on with my question. I now know that Julian was born approximately 1865 in San Miguel. The problem is I have gone through the microfilm batch J603298 and Source # 0279429 for San Miguel 1862-1870. I had ordered the film and went though the records by hand individually. There is no Julian Alviso. Julian has a total of six brothers and sisters and all of
were ba
ptized at San Miguel El Alto. I have found his sibling's records, but no Julian. I know that Julian and Catarina exist as I have found five of their children and they are listed as sponsors on other baptisms. This is becoming very frustrating. My question is if possibly the microfilm is not a complete record? Also, was there another church in the vicinity of San Miguel El Alto that possibly Julian may have been baptized? Any suggestions on my next step?