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Salado/Esparza (corrected)

By Bill Figueroa - Posted on 05 December 2006


Thanks for the information. Bernardo Ruiz de Esparza, alias Bernardo Salado, was indeed a legitimate son of Lope Ruiz de Esparza. I have lots of documentation to prove that. Attached you will find excerpts of his final will and testament, which reads as follows:
Testamento de Bernardo Ruiz de Esparza

Sello Tercero, Un Real, Años de Mil Seiscientos y Noventa, y Noventa y Uno.

En Nombre de Dios Todo Poderoso y de su Vendita Madre la Siempre Virgen Maria concebida en Gracia y Gloria desde el primer instante de su ser. Amen.
Notorio y manifiesto sea a los que este pressente testamento vieren, como yo, Bernardo Ruys de Esparssa, hijo legitimo de Lope Ruys de Esparssa y de Francisca Gabai su Lexitima Muxer, vezinos que fueron de esta Villa de Aguas calientes de donde soy natural y actualmente vezino estando en mi entera salud cabal, juissio, memoria y entendimiento....etc. etc.

On a different paragraph, he continues
Y ten declaro que fui casado y velado segun horden de Ntra. Sta. Madre Yglesia Chatolica Romana, con Chatalina Lossano, Hija Lexitima de Juan Lozano y de Ysabel de Friaz su Lexitima Muxer, vecinos que fueron del pueblo de Theocaltiche, y que con la susodicha dote...etc. etc.
What I cannot understand is why the alias "Salado" that was given to Bernardo and to several generations of his descendants. They were all Ruiz de Esparza as shown in most documents, but every now and then the alias "Salado" pops up in some document.

I will check each and every one of the individuals you have in your list, but it is going to take me some time. They are all my relatives and I belive I have them all are in my database. Unfortunately, I am tied up with lots of work, but will try to make some time next weekend.

Bill Figueroa
----- Original Message -----
From: hardyr
To: Bill Figueroa
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2006 7:44 PM
Subject: Esparza/Salado


I had the information posted at Nuestros Ranchos on the Salado/Esparza mystery...but I messed up my file....I've asked for Joseph's help...I haven't a clue to what I did...but this is the information I have....and believe me there are enough Bernardo Salados to go around

Rose Hardy