Royalty, Nobility

Ah Stuart,

I like your analogies. Apparently, there are other distant cousins who are
also into genealogy with my family lines. At first I was impressed with the
"supposed" association of alleged royalty.....

Mexican Newspaper Archives

Does anyone know of anywhere someone can access, Mexican Newspaper archives, without having to goto the Newspaper in Mexico?

Jonathan Walker

Updated My Files

Hi, Roberto:
Isn't it great to get reorganized? I am doing just that very same thing. I
got bogged down by too much information and not enough organization.

Good to hear you are back with us. My family is also from Los Altos, though

VITELA family in JALPA or Miguel Auza, Zac.

Hello everybody:

I see many of you search families in Jalpa, Zac. but I don't find any match with your lastnames, however, as you have been searching in those records, I would like to ask you if you have seen VITELA in Jalpa? My grand-father was born there in 1866 - 68 and his name was Francisco Vitela, his parents were Gorgonio/Aurelio Vitela and Fermina/Emigdia Lopez (I found them with two different names both). It has been difficult to me to find more information. I have read several microfilms and nothing comes up. What I found in IGI were many Vitela from Miguel Auza, Zac. (Mezquital del Oro) but among the many names no-one matches my G-Grand-parents Gorgonio and Fermina. I haven´t been able to relate them. As I found many Vitelas there by the same years (1850-1870) y think they may be relatives, but I haven´t conffirm that.

Jalpa, Zacatecas - church and civil records available.

Amelia, below are the available church and civil records. All you have to do
is request the films from any Family History Center in an LDS church. There
is a nominal charge for each film $6.00 per film. You do not have to be a

My Files are Updated

Hi everyone,
I'm Roberto Martinez, until recently an inactive member of Nuestros Ranchos for a while. I'm proud to say that I've reorganized myself and have been busy with the family history research these last couple of months. After (more than) a little help from my NuestrosRanchos and months of hard work, I'm proud to announce that my files are updated. At least 95% of my work is focused in Los Altos de Jalisco.


Gary, I was looking the information you submited and we have an Apodaca line that matches, we both descend from Jose Antonio APODACA. I´d like to be in contact with you and look forward.

Best regards.


Antonio, I don't know if it is fine to write in english to you, I think it's ok. I was checking to information about the members and the lastnames they serach and I found yours (Topete). According what I read, you don't have any information about your family. I'm glad to tell you that I have a book (that you can look for) which talks about your family back to 1700's This is a very interestin book and has a lot of information with many genealogical lines. The book talks about the history of the region you are searching back to 1500's

Jalpa, Zac


I sent you an e-mail last week. I can help you with all your names below. Call me.

-------------- Original message --------------
From: roots

> Searching for my father's family in Jalpa. Surnames: Macias, Tostado, Luna,

tomas villalobos-olivar

Thanks Letricia, I will look in the 1930 Mexico census for relatives. I am not having much luck making the right connections with either of my family lines ( Villalobos or Olivars) maybe I am looking in the wrong place.