
I agree with you Claudia.  Oral history is important and can be an absolute genealogical goldmine of information.  Without the little "leads" that my grandparents gave me I'm not sure I would have done as well as I have in my search.  While the search of my Spanish/French/Mexican roots on my grandfather's side has been slow going I've gained so many new cousins on my U.S. born "southerner" grandmother's side.  After I traced it backwards - and the oral history proved to be a checking point for the records I pulled - to the 1500s I then traced it forward and found lots of new cousins...Cousins I have been able to share photographs both old family photos from the 1800s & 1900s and current ones.  It was imazing to be able to see a photograph of my grandmother's great grandmother! And to find grandchildren, great grandchildren & great great grandchildren of my grandmother's long lost aunt.  Oral histoy is what ignited my search and helped send me

La Barca Jalisco - Castañeda, Cerda, Briseño, Pantoja

Hola a todos, soy nuevo en el grupo y estoy investigando a mis ancestros que vivieron en La Barca, Jalisco

La información que he logrado recopilar se encuentra publicada en http:/; de momento la información con la que cuento esta basada solamente en información verbal y en consultas en la base de datos de FamilySearch.


Hola a todos, soy Alessandro y soy nuevo en el grupo. Deseo hacerme presente para estar en contacto con toda aquella persona que pueda estar interesada o relacionada con mis lineas genealogicas. Yo he investigado mi genealogía por varios años y he logrado buenos avances, los cuales estaría contento de compartir con ustedes. Como la mayoria debe saber, hay ocaciones que las lineas de investigacion soy muy prodigas (gracias a los magnificos archivos y registros) y otras son muy pobres y se atoran con facilidad. Este es el caso de mi apellido paterno para el cual pido ayuda a aquellos mas versados. Se trata del apellido VITELA, mu abuelo fue Concepcion VITELA y nacio en 1900 en El Batan, Zapopan, Jalisco, fue hijo de Francisco VITELA nacido en 1866 - 1868 en JALPA, ZAC. y Juana VILLARREAL, y nieto de Gorgonio/Aurelio VITELA y Fermina/Emigdia LOPEZ de Zacateas tambien.

Oral History Welcome in

Oral History is welcome in the group. Many of the
valuable pieces of my family's genealogical information were verified as
a result on following leads gained from tidbits of stories or accounts

Huizar Surname

Hi Rick,

Hope all is well in Valle de Guadalupe. I just wanted to follow up and see if
you had an update on the video from the conference down there in August. Drop
me a line when you get a chance. I'm very interested in getting a copy.

Pido Ayuda respecto Pruebas ADN

Hola Amigos Genealogistas:

El principal motivo del presente e-mail, es consultar con ustedes,
principalmente con Benicio Samuel como experto en ADN lo siguiente:

Pido Ayuda respecto Pruebas ADN

Hola Amigos Genealogistas:

El principal motivo del presente e-mail, es consultar con ustedes,
principalmente con Benicio Samuel como experto en ADN lo siguiente:

Hace unos dias recibi un e-mail del siguiente sitio:

Chumasero - Does anyone have any information onthis la...

Wow, I googled it and got many hits. Thanks....perhaps it was misspelled.


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Macias / Macías in Jalisco

Hello everyone, my name is José Luis Macías and I am looking for relatives, lots of them! I am drawn to this website, probably for the same reason you all are; I am trying to find out where I come from and in the process bridge the gap between the Macias' that are scattered out there. I’m just starting out on my investigation and so far my attempts to locate family or find out more about my past have been unsuccessful, so all advice is very welcome! I am trying to get a hold of my grandparent’s birth and marriage certificates which means that soon I will have more accurate information to post. For now, this is what I have. Should we find we have common ancestors, I will be more than happy to share more information regarding recent generations. Thank you all for reading; I hope you have something to share.

Descendants of Macias in Jalisco, México

## Generation No. 1

1. ¿? Macías was born around 1886 in Tenamaxtlán Jalisco. He married my GG Grandmother ?? Lucas probably around 1900-1906. She was probably born sometime around 1886.

Children of ¿? MACIAS (GG Grandfather) and ¿? LUCAS (GG Grandmother) are:

i. Francisco Macias Lucas b. Abt 8 Sep 1909, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México, d.
ii. Basilio Macias Lucas b. Abt 1902-1916, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México, d.

Notes: Given names of my GG grandparents are unknown. It is uncertain if they had more children (most likely they did, as is usually the case with these “Breeding Stallions” – Abuelo el Sementa!). Based on the accounts of family members, it is possible that one of my GG grandparents had another son named Agustin which is a half brother of the 2 previously mentioned brothers (Francisco and Basilio).

## Generation No. 2

2. Great Grandfather Francisco Macias Lucas (b. Abt 8 Sep 1909, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México, d. Abt unknown). He maried Maria Gomez Sanchez (b. 3 Aug 1908) in San Luis Potosí México. The month and day form the birth dates of my Grand Parents are accurate, but the birth year is an approximation. From the accounts of my grand parents I know that my Great Grandfather married when he was 16 years of age, and my Great Grandmother at 15. Yup, they were young, so what!? And you know what else? Apparently there was no money for TV and the tractor was probably broken down leaving them with ample time to propagate (8 children!).

Children of my G Grandfather Francisco Macías Lucas and my G Grandmother María Gomez Sanchez.

i. Ramon Macias Gomez b. 25 Aug 1925, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México, d. Abt
1988, San Luis Potosí, San Luis Potosí, México
ii. Agustina Macias Gomez b. Abt 1925-1939, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México
iii. Lucia Macias Gomez b. Abt 1925-1939, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México
iv. Juana Macias Gomez b. Abt 1925-1939, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México, d.
Abt 1995
v. Sirenia Macias Gomez b. Abt 1925-1939, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México
vi. Leocadia Macias Gomez b. Abt 1925-1939, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México
viii. Felícitas Macias Gomez b. Abt 1925-1939, Tenamaxltán, Jalisco, México
ix. Roberto Macias Gomez b. Abt 1925-1939, d. Abt 2006, San Luis Potosi,
San Luis Potosí, México

Chumasero - Does anyone have any information onthis last name?

I've seen Chamacuero...

------Original Message------
To: research
ReplyTo: research
Sent: Sep 29, 2008 10:06 PM