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VITELA family in JALPA or Miguel Auza, Zac.

By Visitor - Posted on 03 October 2008

Hello everybody:

I see many of you search families in Jalpa, Zac. but I don't find any match with your lastnames, however, as you have been searching in those records, I would like to ask you if you have seen VITELA in Jalpa? My grand-father was born there in 1866 - 68 and his name was Francisco Vitela, his parents were Gorgonio/Aurelio Vitela and Fermina/Emigdia Lopez (I found them with two different names both). It has been difficult to me to find more information. I have read several microfilms and nothing comes up. What I found in IGI were many Vitela from Miguel Auza, Zac. (Mezquital del Oro) but among the many names no-one matches my G-Grand-parents Gorgonio and Fermina. I haven´t been able to relate them. As I found many Vitelas there by the same years (1850-1870) y think they may be relatives, but I haven´t conffirm that.

If anyone have some ideas, sugestions or recomendations, hints or informations to share, please let me know because I feel a little lost and frustrated. Hope someone can help me.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards.