Greetings all! Hola!

My name is Luis JAIME. After stopping my genealogy research for 11 years because of a dead end I have decided to pick it up again now that I've found this great web site. Something that didn't exsist back then... I don't think I can ever break through the dead end but I hope to share my research and data with other connections to my tree. There are still a few unanswered questions I have as well as some loose JAIME tree that I've yet to connect.

Delete and add in my files

I had make two deletes in my files: about Barba and Oñate reports, and added an actualization to my Oñate surname file.

New Member-surnames Lara, Guardado in Lagos de Moreno and AguasCalientes

I am doing genealogical research--my family comes primarily from the Lagos de Moreno area with many of them being 'indios' from the Pueblo de Moya which is now a neighborhood in present-day Lagos de Moreno. One branch of the family then moved to Aguascalientes from the Lagos area. I've been in touch with an historian in Lagos who believes many of the indios from Pueblo de Moya were Tlaxcala indians from the South who helped in the conquest and I have a little bit of info. regarding the founding of Pueblo de Moya--many who carry my family names but I have not yet made the connection. I will be happy to share any informaton that I have and hope to find someone researching lines similar to mine.

Thomas de Villapando

Does anyone have information on the Villalpando family of Aguascalientes?

From the Aguascalientes chuich records there is:

(1) Thomas Villalpando and Maria Vargas
married 7 Oct 1677, in Aguascalientes; they had at least these children

Quieren Ayuda a encontrar sus antepasados? Do you want help in finding your ancestors?

Si quieren tener mejores resultados, simplemente pongan más datos. No se limiten a nada mas poner los dos apellidos que buscan. Pongan información de familiares: hermanos, cónyuge(s), hijos, etc.... ¿Cual es el primer nombre? ¿Cuando nació, se caso, murió- en que fecha, y lugar y mas importante por que cree eso? Personas no siempre utilizan los dos apellidos, a veces utilizan el de la madre, ciertas familias utilizan el apellido de un pariente famoso, por muchas generaciones. Poniendo mas información le va a abrir las puertas y personas le van a poderle ayudar con mas eficacia.

Record of my Grandma, Maria del Carmen Ornelas

I was hoping someone might be able to help me with this: I searched the pilot program and found my grandma, Maria del Carmen Ornelas, b 28 Nov 1900, Jesus, Guadalajara, Jalisco.  Her father, Doroteo Ornelas and mother, Rosa Cortez. The film #1106706 and batch # is C01861-3.  The record is only for view at this time. 

Datos de Felix

IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0
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Datos por la Familia Felix

Nicolas Felix, nacido 1615 en Jerez, casado con Franca. Peralta Y Arellano 1671
                            Nicolas Felix de Arellano/Ana Carrillo Avila

Mensaje para Alessandro Vitela

Este mensaje es para mi pariente perdido Alessandro Vitela. Espero que cheques los mensajes del foro de nuestros ranchos. Me has escrito porque no he contestado a tus mensajes, pero en realidad, te he estado enviando varios mensajes desde hace un par de semanas y no recibo respuesta. Me pregunto si recibiste el documento de matrimonio de nuestros ancestros Francisco Bonal e Ysabel Gutierres que te envie hace ya tiempo. No se si posiblemente tengas bloqueado mi email o algo. En fin, espero que leas este mensaje por medio de nuestrosranchos y podamos continuar la comunicacion.

Cronica de la Provincia de Santiago de Xalisco

For those who might be interested we have one copy of : Cronica de la Provincia de Santiago de Xalisco, Escrita por Fr. Nicolas Antonio de Ornelas Mendoza y Valdivia. Pulished in 1952 by Instituto Jalisciense de Antropologia E Historia. The price of the book is $46.00, which includes US shipping costs. The book is in good condition, but has light spot on face and the front edge of book has darkened. Inside page have some yellowing, but are clean.