No puedo entrar al FamilySearch Record Search

No puedo entrar al Record Search, empieza a cargar la página pero nunca termina, hay alguien que me pueda ayudar, me muero de ganas de entrar para poder buscar a mis ancestros.

Muchas Gracias por su ayuda

Alviso, Ledesma, and Jauregui Orphans in spreadsheet format from files of Maureen Bejar

The above is the link for my spreadsheets as promised on the families that I have extracted, but not linked to my research. These families include Alviso, Ledesma and Jauregui. Although these spreadsheets are not referenced, I do have dates and places noted and other information and will be happy and able to give anyone interested the number of the film that they may be found or in many cases, an actual scan of the document. Just contact me, however, I will be unavailable and offline for the month of February and will be back March 4th. The next two weeks are pretty free as we are having a blizzard and we are basically snowed in!!!! It will take Manny and I at least a day of digging to get us out and that is with a plow.

Aguascalientes films posted at the LDS Family Search Pilot

To all:

I discovered today the the LDS church has posted images at the new Family Search Pilot site from the Aguascalientes, AGS, microfilms of baptisms, confirmations, deaths, marriages and matrimonial investigations. The period covered begins in the 1600s and extends to the early 1900s. The images are not by themselves searchable, but when used in conjunction with the IGI, it is very easy to find records of interest. The image quality is quite high; you can also download the images. The image quality is high enough that you can significantly enlarge the images for items of interest. This is a truly marvelous addition to their site!

Acquiring a new language

Monday, January 12, 2009

Dear Leticia--

I was hoping you were from somewhere in Jalisco because I get to vacation there from time to time and I do have some interesting genealogy and Hispanic history books to show to whomever is interested.

Salvador Gutierrez and Gertrudis de Vera

I have not been actively researching for some time now, but recently I came across a long-lost cousin of mine who found her father in my genealogy database online and we have reconnected. Her father left Mexico as a young man during the Mexican revolution, with a handful of photos of his family, expecting never to see them again.

Mucho Gusto...

Domingo, Jan 11, 2009

Me da mucho gusto ayudarse. Puede pagarme con las respuestas de donde vive y si entiende ingles. Mi primera lengua es ingles y naci en Canada. Tambien mis dos abuelas era de inglatierra.

Mas Hijos de Miguel ANGULO--

Domingo, 11 Jan 2009

Mas Hijos de Miguel ANGULO y Maria Antonia DIAZ

#5 El nombre no es Jose Samuel pero correcto es--

Jose Manuel ANGULO n. 1757
c. #1. Maria Antonia NAVARRO--solamente una hija n. 1790 y

Navarro en Ayo el Chico...

Domingo, 11 Jan 2009


Mi esposo, Ramon Godinez, esta registrado en Atotonilco el Alto pero nacio en Santa Rita, Ayo el Chico (Ayotlan). Tengo mas que 30 anos buscando sus antipasados. Mi major experencia es en los ranchos de Atotonilco el Alto. Pero si tengo algunas de sus lines en partes de La Barca, Ocotlan, y Nochistlan. Tengo algo de Tepatitlan pero los registros de Tepatitlan no son tan faciles a leer como lo de mas.

Lengua recipe

I've made tongue before - it's good when not over done. You boil the
tongue, then take off the skin that covers the tongue. Then you slice it, and
lightly sautee in oil with onions in a red chile (guajillos and tomatoe) sauce

Margarita ANGULO n. 3 Aug 1853

Domingo, Jan 11, 2009

Margarita ANGULO n. 3 Aug 1853 en Atotonilco el Alto, Jalisco
hija de Jose Onofre ANGULO n. 11 Jun 1825 y Ma. NAVARRO
nieta de Jose Maria Franco. ANGULO n. 23 Aug 1795 en Tepatitlan de Morelos