Olivar,Ramirez,Gonzales,Perez From Rancho de Santa Ysabel

Seeking relatives from

San Gaspar de los Reyes
Rancho Nuevo
Rancho de Santa Ysabel
Rancho Olivar
San Juan de los Lagos

Cortez Alvarado

Does any on know where I can find some good books of the history of Guanajuato.

Apaches in Zacatecas in 1854?

I was reading information about the Haciendas of the Zacatecas region. And I was reading this link about the Hacienda of San Mateo, Valparaiso, Zacatecas, Mexico:


I came across the term "Gracinas" in the LDS records today. It was placed in lieu of a birth date under the "Events" section of a marriage record (the marriage details were all there).

Deaths about 1919

Sunday, April 25, 2010 6:24:42 PM
"Amy DeLaTorre"
Amy DeLaTorre wrote:
The Rojas and Betancourt were born in Cu

Fwd: SOMOS PRIMOS May 2010 125th Online Issue

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: SOMOS PRIMOS May 2010 125th Online Issue
Date: Fri, 23 Apr 2010 15:04:31 EDT
From: Somosprimos@aol.com
To: Somosprimos@aol.com

Click he

New Research- Rodriguez family

I am new to this site, and am so excited to become a part of it! I have been researching my family history since December 2008.

Cortes, Alvarado

Does anyone happened to have film # 0640139 Batch # M602507
Dates--1867-1883 Marriage records for Jalisco?


Enriquez, Gutierrez, Romo from Jalostotitlanm MX

Hello there , My name Is Gerry casillas from Downey Ca. i am researching my mothers side of the the Family. Her maiden name is Enriquez.