Familia Escatel Airada

The Lastname Escatel is Not a very Common Lastname, I Know That this Lastname Is From the town of Chimaltitan, jalisco, I am related to the Quirino Escatel Who Was Married Bonifacia Lujan Lopes...

Beatriz Vasquez Retamosa

I am looking for the father of Beatriz Vasquez Retamosa, who married
Juan Rodriguez de Chavarria on 6 March 1618 in Aguascalientes,
through a dispensa I found out Beatriz was daughter of Catalina

Jeronimo Lopez de la Serna = Ana Losano

I am seeking information about these two persons, Jeronimo Lopez de la Serna, and Ana Losano, my maternal 7X in-laws.

Juan de Soto = Sebastiana de Esqueda

I am seeking information about my 8th maternal great grandparents. They were married on 02 Sep 1662 in Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes, Mexico.

Ignacio Gomez de Mendoza & Felipa Catarina de Aceves

Hi All, Im looking for the parents of Ignacio Gomez de Mendoza and Felipa Catarina de Aceves,
they should have married ca. 1775 in Tepatitlan de Morelos, Jalisco, I know Ignacio was from

Beltran-Ramirez-Curiel / Flores-Alvares

I'm researching my ancestors, I am not an advanced geneologist by any means and any help would be greatly appreciated.

Calling a 1800 number in Mexico

Can some one tell me how to call to Mexico if I have a 1800 number. Do I need to dial 01152-800-XXX-XXX I have tried so many ways and I can not get it right.


Josefa Beas y Juan Thadeo Salas

Varios meses en el pasado, hubo una consulta acerca Josefa Beas, y
Juan Thadeo Salas. Ahora he encontrado la línea en mi base de datos paterna.

Two books in Maria's posession

> Hello Maria,
Do the two volumes that you have mention the Romero, de la Torre,
Pena, and Camarena families? Is the book written in Spanish only?

Vasquez Retamosa

Hi Group, Im studying the Vasquez Retamosa family and am stuck on who is the patriarchs of this family.