Introducing myself and giving the surnames and locations I'm researching


I wanted to take the time to introduce myself.  My name is Alexis Villagrana and I reside in Jefferson, Oregon USA.  It's so nice to have found your group and was so thrilled to have joine

priest pedrigree charts

i was told that a priest has to submit a pedigree chart to the vatican when he enters the priesthood. if that is true can you request a copy of that pedigree chart?

"Haciendas de Jalisco y aledaños"

Has anyone seen – or is anyone in possession of – a copy of the book by
Ricardo Lancaster-Jones called “Haciendas de Jalisco y aledaños, 1506-1821?
I found it listed as being in the Mormon libra

Escatel Family

I have not been able to find more information after Jose Maria Escatel. Any help would be appreciated.

grandparents: Jesus Escatel Ramirez married to Calota Ramirez Rodriguez

Research Help

    --- On Fri, 4/9/10, Alice Blake wrote:

From: Alice Blake
Subject: Teaching Moment
Date: Friday, April 9, 2010, 5:29

Nochistlan, Zac. and Nochistlan de Mejia, Zac.?

When gathering LDS records is it assumed that when they "Nochistlan, Zac." they mean Nochistlan de Mejia, Zac. or do they mean the smaller town to the North East called simply Nochistlan.

church records

Hi Everyone,

How does one go about requesting records from a church in Mexico & how does one go about finding someone when some of the records are damaged?

Greetings from a new member

I'm really excited to be a part of this web site. I have been doing reasearch on my mothers side of the family.


Alguien a encontrado a Atenogenes Sigala, nacio alrededor de 1750-1780. Se caso con Regina Gomes. Tuvieron a Silverio Sigala. Silverio se casa con Victoria Gomes.

Teaching Moment

Dear Group,
 I've come across two new situations that have become stumbling blocks to my reseach.   I refer to them as stumbling blocks, not brick walls, because I believe it's just a matter of m