Research Digest, Vol 52, Issue 17

My name is Ken Tejeda - listed in Topic Number 4 below - We are stuck on on Juan Tejeda, who was the father of Toribio Tejeda - see below. We have no clear data or date of birth on Juan Tejeda.

Mexican couples who married young & had given birth at a young age

Is it also possible for couples as young as 10-13 yrs old to have given birth to a child as well as gotten married?

The Villagrana's from Zacatecas

Hi, I had a question...Is it possible for Mexican couples such as in the 1800's, to have gotten married as early as 10 and 13 yrs old? If so, I think I've finally stumbled onto something...

Programa Discutamos México

There is this wonderful TV program that features the foremost experts in
Mexican History. Each episode features a panel of experts with the
discussion led by a Moderator.

Sanchez de Mendoza?

What about jose sanchez de mendoza married to maria orosco? Who are their parents? Is jose also a son of juan becerra and ana sanchez de mendoza?

Ayuda!!! Como meter informacion al programa paf cuando las lineas se entrecruzan?

Amigos del foro, tengo este problema.El papa de mi abuela se caso con una hermana de mi abuelo o sea su cunada, tiene medios hermanos que son a la vez sobrinos de mi abuelo, es algo confuso y no se

RE: most recent email: CLAUDINE GUINY IS SPAM

Usually all posts from this website are safe and free of Spam, however, as I went to open this attachment from Vicente De San Miguel, it takes you to a drug company selling Cialis and Viagra.

General Digest, Vol 52, Issue 1

What's the name of that book again?

Cornelia Ruiz de Velazco (1655 aprox.) Ayo el Chico, Jalisco, México.

Hola compañeros, alguien de ustedes sabe quienes son los padres de Cornelia Ruiz de Velazco, mujer de Cristóbal Becerra (1647 aprox. Jalostotitlán).

arbol de genealogico Martin del Campo Macias

Can anyone help me find an out of print family history book " Arbol Genealogico de la Familia Martin del Campo 1870-1970" by Enrique Martin del Campo Macias published by Compprime Impresiones Laser J.