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Apaches in Zacatecas in 1854?

By MADERA_32 - Posted on 26 April 2010

I was reading information about the Haciendas of the Zacatecas region. And I was reading this link about the Hacienda of San Mateo, Valparaiso, Zacatecas, Mexico:

It describes about several Haciendas - San Mateo of Valparaiso, Zacatecas, Mexico, Hacienda de las Viboras - does not say location of that Hacienda....but years ago one time I scrolled through microfilm of Xerez, Zacatecas the year 1620, defuntos and saw that name "Hacienda De Las Viboras" in Xerez, Zacatecas. So when I was reading the link recently and again saw the name Hacienda De Las Viboras, I already knew it's location.

Now, in the link it mentions Benito Del Hoyo and that he was killed by Apaches from the (North). So that would mean that the Apaches of the USA were fleeing the USA cavalary, crossed into Mexico and even got as far to Zacatecas?

Also, by coincidence, when I was scrolling through defunto records of Huejuquilla El Alto, from the 1800's, I saw a defunto of the Del Hoyo's. Benito Del Hoyo and his sons were killed by "Ladrones" as it was recored in the defunto records. It stuck to my mind because of how a father and his sons were killed by Ladrones.

Now when I read the link and it says that Benito Del Hoyo and his sons were killed by Apaches in 1854, I began to wonder if that is the same person that I saw in the archives years ago?

Here is the link that you can read:

And I made a picture of the paragraph where I found a reference to the Apaches: