Greetings from the new girl...
I wanted to introduce myself to everyone. My name is Marylouise Fraijo Ambriz. I just started researching my maternal grandmother's side of the family.
Familias Miranda y Llamas de Zacatecas
Hola a todos:
More on Jerez - Vialpando/Billalpando/Villalpando
Mr/Ms Hernandez ---------(sorry I don't know your name, you did not sign your post),
I checked Family Search for all the Villalpandos/Vialpandos listed for Spain and they all originated in Valla
OLIVAR Familia de San Juan de Los Lagos or other
Do you have any information on Olivar .....Juan de Dios Olivar or Jose Juan Olivar or Juan Jose Olivar. One was the son another was the father. ALso inflormation on any of those names M.
Does anyone know if Jerez was considered a Villa?
32nd Annual Texas Hispanic Genealogical and Historical Conference
The 32nd Annual Texas Hispanic Genealogical and Historical Conference,
sponsored by Los Bexareños Genealogical and Historical Society, will be held
from September 29th through October 2, 2011, in b
De Udave, Eudave Lopez
Hello, I became recently a member. I'm starting a research about the
ascendence of my great-grandfather Ruben Eudave Lopez, born in Sta.
Joseph Vidaurre/Petra Medina
What is the date of this record? All I can make out is "en dicho mes y a~no".
What does "C.C." stand for on a baptism?
Hi, I have recently noticed that in the baptisms of San Martin Hidalgo, Jalisco from the 1840s to the 1880s many baptisms have the letters "C.C.", "C.Y.", or "Y.Y.".
I need help with confusing marriage record for de la Torre-Romero
Thank you all for your help and insights concerning the marriage record for Jose de la Torre and Maria Elena Romero. I agree the record must be in error regarding Dionicio Martin and Paula Saldana.