mtDNA Haplogroup Database - NR Members - UPDATED FILE
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Jalisco and San Luis Potosi Civil Records
Civil records for these two states have just been posted on Family Search.
Libro: Archivos parroquiales de Aguascalientes, siglo XVII
Estimado compañeros,
Book: Archivos parroquiales de Aguascalientes, siglo XVII
Hi fellow researchers,
Phrase on marriage document...
Does anyone know what the term "Caste" means on a marriage document? The one I have is as follows...
"Jose Roberto Hernandez, Soldado Patrista del Resguardo de este Pueblo, de calidad Casta"
Translation help for Father/Son Alviso back to back dispensas
My Spanish is limited and I have found something curious. Mateo Alviso and his son Calixto Alviso had back to back dispensas done and I need help with the translation.
Birth certificates
George, thank you for your excellent advice about
trying the County clerk's office regarding birth
certificates. Another possibility is perhaps there
I have discovered that if you click on the "invert" button
to view the original images, the background darkens and the
wording becomes much more legible.
search help
hello, my name is Delia Dominguez, a new member to nuestrosranchos. i need help in understanding how i can use the resources at nuetrosranchos.
Nancy's Elusive Grandmother
Many thanks to the responses from George, Patty, & Alicia.
Unfortunately your advice doesn't work because my grandmother's
married name (I think) was Blanche, but maybe Blanco. In