Descendientes de la nobleza española en México

Hola todos:

En esta ocasión quiero aprovechar la oportunidad de preguntarles ¿Cuántos de ustedes han logrado enlazar sus linajes con la nobleza española?

Solicito su ayuda para rectificar datos que se me han proporcionado

Mi agradedimiento a la familia NUESTROS RANCHOS que me aportaron valiosa
informacion de
Alejandro Preciado y Josefa Garcia de Alba (Tecolotlan)
La informacion que recibi dice: nacieron y casaron

Another de Villalpando document...

I came across this document and need some help understanding it...

Amalia Hernandez-Arias

Genealogía Novohispana

Los invito a revisar mi blog acerca de los linajes más importantes del Virreinato de la Nueva España.

History of Villa de San Diego de Leon, Guanajuato

I looked and looked for something about the history of Villa de San Diego de Leon, in Guanajuato, where Juan Villalpando was born, and I finally found an article about it.

de Villalpando, Villa de Leon, Guanajuato doc...

Thank you all so much for the imput on the Villa de Leon vs. the Villa de Conil. I found the doucment!! however im unusre if the page is torn or its anyone with deciphering.

DNA Testing - which provider is best?

My father who is 76 yrs old (GGparents from Chihuahua) and my uncle is is 93 yrs old (GGparents from Sonora) and my father in Law 70 yrs old (Teocaltiche, Jalisco) have agreed to do DNA testing.

General Archives of the Nation of

Not sure if this has been posted yet...but it has helped me a great deal. Enjoy!!

Amalia Hernandez-Arias

Lingotek Enables FamilySearch Members to Translate Historical Family Documents