Matrimonio en Jalostotitlan -

I am finding references to a marriage between Juan Padilla Davila and Antonia Martin del Campo in several places. The date given is 25 abril 1705, either in Jalostotitlan or San Juan de los Lagos.

What are the most traditional dishes and foods of San Juan De Los Lagos?

Having not even really discovered Mexican food, real mexican food until last year, where I Had some Suadero from a Comal, made by some Jalisco Locals in their backyard, I am now utterly entranced by s

New Member

Hello everyone! My name is Angelica, I'm new here. Began researching my family roots about a year and a half ago now and have been regularly/actively working on my family tree.

Looking for origins of Rafael Duran

Hola parientes, I am currently stuck. I am looking for any baptismal records for Rafael Duran. Rafael is my 4th great-grandfather.

Research Digest, Vol 165, Issue 1

Hi, Laurel....Orendain in Spanish (pronunciation) would be
"oh-ren-dine"....the "r" has a "rolled r" sound...long i sound...if you
google you can hear the wis

Orendain pron

I would go for a long i ( your second choice), but then that's how we (mexicans) pronounce it now, heavens knows how they did it back then.
Abraham de Alba

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Correct pronunciation and spelling of Orendain

Dear Laurel,

Your question is a good one.

Spanish grammar dictates that words are accented on the second to last syllable of the word unless there is a written accent.