Don Pedro Pablo de Gavai
Has anyone heard of Don Pedro Pablo de Gavai?
He turns up as padrino to a mulatto slave (possible ancestor of mine!) in this record of baptism 1713 for Juan Antonio Joseph Altamira
Juan de la Torre (married to Juana de Gamboa)- Sitio "el Mesquite"
New theory about the parents of Juan de la Torre (married to Juana de Gamboa)
I'm still working with land records. I'm submitting the following information:
Luisa de Quesada y Mendoza
There appears to be a consensus that Luisa de Quesada y Mendoza and her sister Maria may be the legitimate daughters of Alonso de Quesada and Juana Bautista Hernandez de Arellano y Mendoza.
Familia Mercado- Tlaltenango, Zacatecas
I'm looking for any informacion about 2 couples that I found in a Land Record in Tlaltenango. Both couples are mentioned in the history of the same property
Aside from Mexican civil and church records, what type of medical records would have been kept that would document a persons death, particularly when an epidemic struck?
My 2nd Paternal Great Grandmother was Martina Huizar, who was married to Pascual Navarro, her parents I believe were Josef Anselmo Huizar and Dolores Perez.
Legitimo but then Natural?
I was wondering if any of you have experience on what is going on when certain children of the same parents are labelled legitimate while others are labeled naturales.
Matrimonio en Aguascalientes
I am looking for the matrimonio for Pablo Valdez and Trinidad Marquez. It is supposed to be in book 299835 on 13 diciembre 1815.
Pedro Carlos de Godoy, Juan de la Torre, Miguel Caldera (tierra y Aguas)
I'm having problems extracting all the information from a record of Tierra y Aguas.
Gonzalo de Antunes "el Portugués"
Hola a todos,