The Cathe4dral del Senor del Santo Sepulcro

Can someone point me in the right direction?

Pre 1682 bapismal records for Ayotlan.

FamilySearch currently has baptismal records until 1682 for Ayotlan. However, there are some references to there being baptismal records back until 1622.

San Matias, Pinos Zacatecas


Does anyone know where to find baptism records for San Matias, Pinos, Zacatecas between 1647-1680?.


Happy hunting in 2020!


Research Digest, Vol 167, Issue 5

Sometimes in old documents when people referred to certain family relations, they didn’t meant them to be as present day.


Hello everyone!

I am wondering what age range were the term parvulo in the XVII century? I thought it was toddlers but I've read on different books that it would include children as old as 7....

Found a Padron for the year 1861 for the municipal of Degollado, Jalisco


I found a padron from 1861 when the municipal of Degollado was created.
I'm not sure how to attached a pdf file to this site. If someone can tell me how to attach it I can share it.

Visiting the Fondo de Tierras y Aguas of the Archivo Historico del Estado de Jalisco to verify document

I found a map in one of the tierras y aguas books that are available from, but unfortunately, whoever made the film didn't unfold the map to take pictures of it.