Visiting Jalisco

Hi everyone, I’m currently in Degollado, Jalisco visiting my parents.

Bernardino Prudencio de Marin Herrera and Nicolaza Paula Sanmartin Estrada - Tlaltenango, Zac 1730's

For years, I have been trying to find a link between my Luis Herrera and the above referenced couple.

Help submiting a request

Could someone please direct me on where to find the directions on submitting a request for help in some research?

Blasones y Apellidos

For those of you still interested, below you can find the link where you can still order

the three volume set of Blasones y Apellidos by Fernando Muñoz-Altea.

The price is $375

Transport of criminals to Alta California

Hola a todos. My ancestor, Jose Augustin Narvaez was sent to Alta California (to the Branciforte colony) in 1797, apparently "as a juvenile delinquent picked up on the streets of Guadalajara".

"Böhm y Navarro" - google search: Bohm y Navarro

Estimados Amigos de Nuestros Ranchos:

Durante más de 15 años hemos sido miembros de Nuestros Ranchos.

¿Alguien vive en Aguascalientes?

Hola Primos y Primas,

¿Hay alguien que vive en Aguascalientes o conoce a alguien que podía tomar una foto de una tumba del Panteón de La Cruz?