Pinedos en Zacatecas y Jalisco

As far as I have been able to tell, the nexus of the Pinedos in Southern Zacatecas and Northern Jalisco seems to be Jerez/Monte Escobedo. Leonardo de la Torre y Berumen seems to think they are all descended or related (as slaves or servants to descendants) to a Rodrigo de Pinedo or Pineda that was one of the captains fighting the Chichimeca War that were the original settlers of Jerez.

Humberto Suarez Villarreal


Do you have Arreola(Arriola) and Villarreal from COahuila?

My ancestor Francisco Javier Desiderio Arriola was born in Monterrey in 1707 but moved to Saltillo
and married there and raised a big family that spread over the rest of the state. I have interesting information on his father Desiderio Arriola.

Genealogía de Nochistlán-Book Location: was-Diego Delgadillo (long)

Now if there only was an index available:(
I already have the one capitulo, but my family might be covered in others.

The San Antonio Library kindly photocopied capitulo 58 for me. I'm sure they would do so again.

It's that time again. . .call for genealogies: 01-31-2007

okay so it's been awhile since we transitioned and started on the new
site, but the rules are the rules. I'm starting a long range call for
genealogies (Do you remember when you and I made that agreement for you

3 groups 3 general areas of discussion

Okay folks remember now:

if it has to do with our research in our area of research put it on the list

if it has to do with our Announcements of some sort related somehow to

Diego Delgadillo (long)

Actually, I am not a descendant of Diego Delgadillo although I wish I were. ;-)

However, I have included auxiliary lines in my database as they connect through marriage, and it appears that almost everybody in Nochistlan is connected through marriage.

research(at)NuestrosRanchos: Mention of parents in marriage records

Aveces no mencionan los padres en las actas de matrimonio cuando ha
habido un matrimonio antes. En casos de viudos que se vuelven a casar,
no se mencionan los padres. Por ejemplo, si el novio es viudo y se

General Digest, Vol 6, Issue 19

> Hola Tomas y bienvenido al grupo!

Yo soy una de las que desciende de Diego Delgadillo. Tambien soy originaria
de Guadalajara donde viví hasta los 10 años de edad. Tres de mis abuelos
eran de Los Altos de Jalisco, y la cuarta, por linea materna, era de San

Diego Delgadillo focus group

> Hi Pat,

You must've read my mind! I was just telling Irma earlier today that it
would be nice to create an e-mail distribution list for those of us who
descend from Diego Delgadillo to exchange data. I've counted: You (via

Josie's NL line


Is your line in the gedcom files? I would like to see where we tie.

I have 3 lines of Villarreals and 25 lines of Trevinos.
Esther A. Herold

-------------- Original message from "Josie T. Trevino" : --------------