Mexico DNA study announced


This is an announcement of a new DNA genealogy study being done in
Northern Mexico. I don't read or speak Spanish so I had Babelfish
translate it for me. It may be of interest to researchers on this

Mariana Ruiz de Anda


Entre mis ancestros tengo a Mariana Ruiz de Anda casada el 2 de julio de 1656 en Santa María de los Lagos, Lagos de Moreno con Nicolás de Pedroza. Para ninguno he dado con los padres aunque estoy tratando de ver si hay alguna conección con un matrimonio entre Juan de Anda Altamirano y Juana Ruiz de Nava, en el que tienen una hija circa 1629 y se llama Mariana de Anda Altamirano.

More Arredondo-Zavala


Thanks, this looks promising. There is one film for the town for years before their departure. I will check it out.

IT was initesting!

Thank you again. What did you do to find the record?

Babel Fish Translator


I am sending you the last message I sent you with a Babelfish translation. It took me a while to figure out the link for BabelFish. When I did a search for all I kept getting was a language learning program. I kept searching for the translator engine link and I finally found it under AltaVista. Then I had to copy and paste my previous message to this new e-mail, save this e-mail as a draft, copy the English to the link, then copy and paste the translation back into the draft e-mail. This is a lot of rigamarole. What am I doing wrong now? I told you I am technically challenged. I hope someone who is Spanish-only speaking can understand the robotic translation, since there are some words in there I have never seen.

Francisco Pinedo descendent in Jalisco

>>>>The other two are a Diego Pinedo who is a mulato in the early 1700s in Colotlan
and had lots of children and a Francisco Pinedo who appears in Tlaltenango around
1700. Before that there are no Pinedos in Tlaltenango other than a son of one of

Accents and Question Marks


Recibí el mensaje con tildes y acentos en español. Ahora, una pregunta: ¿recibiste tú este mensaje con acentos y interrogatorias?

I received the message with the diacritical markings in Spanish. Now, a question: did you receive my email with the appropriate markings? I'm using a Mac, G5 with Tiger software and I'm curious.

On Topic: Let's Stay

The research list is for research about the estados of Jalisco,
Zacatecas, and Aguascalientes. I understand that occasionally there
might be a question come up that needs to take us out of the area. In

P?ginas en espa?ol

I don't mind reading and writing in Spanish on the list although I only consider myself conversant and not fluent. However, it drives me crazy to try to interpret all the words that have a "?" substituted for every accent mark, oomlaut, and tilde. Is there any way to have our program recognize Spanish symbols? Otherwise, I'd prefer to read Spanish without the marks.

Dos apellidos.

Sistema Español de Dos Apellidos.

Do You Yahoo!? La mejor conexión a Internet y 2GB extra a tu correo por $100 al mes.

Rules for using Hispanic surnames? Reglas para los apellidos hispanos.

Gilbert Paez here. First of all, thank you for letting me part this group. I am working my way through the various areas of the website. It is Great!
My question: Could someone help me with the rules for the proper use of hispanic surnames? Example: My grandmother's maiden name was Romero and my grandfather's last name was Paez. Would my father be Paez Romero?