Another Zacatecan Recipe

While I was using the glossary in the link above, I saw a recipe for Enchiladas Zacatecanas. They are made with shredded pork and a sauce made with roasted green chiles and cream, and they are served topped with cooked shredded carrots and shredded potatoes and cheese, and slices of avocado. Scroll down until you see "Zacatecanas".

Capirotada Mexicana Recipe

I love to try new recipes, especially for the holidays, and I am seldom daunted by the complexity of some. However, I am kind of stumped by the recipe Joseph put up in the files, but I want to try it. It sounds so fancy, what with the meringue topping, and I love desserts with nuts. (By the way, the recipe lists "dos huevos", but in the directions, they only used the whites to make a meringue).

Onate-Santelices Genealogy

Good Evening to All, Just wanted to let everyone know how much I appreciate Joseph's kindness and patience in helping this novice with the uploading of my folder and file. I continue my research on my Onate and Santelices genealogy in Panuco, Vetagrande, Villa Garcia, and Zacatecas, Zacatecas; Aguascalientes, Aguascalientes; and Guadalajara, Jalisco.

Passenger Lists/Martin Del Campo, Cabral, Figueroa/ Zacatecas, Jalisco


I have a research question about the following information. I wanted to
know if anyone knows whether this is true or not. "Mexican customs and
passenger lists do not begin until 1903, except for documents relating to

Martin Del Campo Research


I have been researching the Martin Del Campo name on the Family Search IGI
and found a couple that may be connected to my family line. It appears
someone has been doing microfilm research on the family, because there is a

Guadalajara pronunciation

Hi, Everyone:

I was again catching up with old archival messages. Almost there. Anyways,
I came across a discussion on the pronunciation of Guadalajara. I, too,
found out it was named after Guadalajara, Spain, an Arabic name. The part

Genealogía " Reyes"

Estimado Joseph Puentes:
Te envío mi investigación genealógica. Se trata de un resúmen, pues tengo
más información de las principales líneas que se integran en las diversas
generaciones. No me he limitado a las cuestiones puramente familiares, sino

Magazine article regarding research

I was going through some back issues of Ancestry
Magazine, and came across an article entitled "A
Footnote to Remember", by Jaime Pacheco. His research
is in the Chihuahua area, but the article is


Hola a Todos:

Saludos desde La Perla de Ocidente, mi bella Guadalajara:

Muy interesante todo lo que dicen con respecto a como se

Spanish phonetic spelling

Hi, Everyone:

As I mentioned in my many other messages, I am now adding my quarter's worth
to the discussions. One of the old messages (forgive me if this is already
known and some of you are going, "Well, duh") talks a bit about Spanish