Ordorica Surname

Does anyone know this surname, as far as I have seen its not very commen in Aguascalientes but there are A LOT in Jalisco and Michoacan Area. I have never heard the surname de Ordorica before until know. I think My Ordorica line migrated to Aguas in the mid 1740's. Here is my Ordorica line.

Can anyone help me with these names?

Simon Ruiz de Esparza (b. ca. 1785) (Espanol) in Ciudad Aguascalientes or Calvillo, Ags.

Andres Ruiz de Esparza (b. ca. 1800) (Espanol) in Calvillo, Ags.

Sephardim in Mexico

Does anyone know how to contact a cronista for any given municpal?

I would like to contact the cronista from Rio Grande, COahuila also known as Guerrero.
Esther A. Herold

-------------- Original message from arturoramos : --------------

avila, euron, gonzalez, robles, elizondo, padilla

perdon , pero estoy investigando mi arbol genealogico y gran parte de mi familia segun lo que he investigado esta en jalisco y zacatecas pero me atore, si alguien tiene datos que me pudieran ayudar acerca de las siguientes personas se los agradeceria:

Church and civil marriage records

I have done church marriage records from Jerez and am now working on civil marriage records. I'm finding some that are years apart and others that are days apart, usually the civil marriage first.. Which date would you put for the wedding date? It appears there was a lot more fuss over the church marriage. I'm entering both into the files but wondered which should appear on the marriage date box. I know my grandparents from there only celebrated the church marriage date.

Online Hispanic Family History Conference

Hello All,

I have been asked, to plan and do a online Hispanic Family History Conference. I was wondering if anyone in the group, could give me any ideas of what subjects to present, who to ask to be presenters, and how to promote the conference, so that it can worthwhile for the attendees and for the presenters.

Los Gutierrez de Mendoza

Hola Beatrice:

Gracias por tus lineas.
Es muy grato saber de ti y de tus esfuerzos y logros, te felicito
por todo eso, y eres inpiracion para mi en mis busquedas genealogicas.

San Gabriel, Venustiano Carranza, Jalisco, Mexico

Can anyone help me locate where this town is at in the state of Jalisco? what is the major town nearby?

Defunciones - Thank you all

The response to my inquiry on Defunciones has been very helpful and enlightening - y'all are awesome to enter the discussion and share your knowledge. I plan to take all of your comments and compile a list (cheat sheet) to go with my notations/extractions. This has been a terrific learning experience. Thanks again to all of you.

Revamped search interface for FamilySearch coming soon !

Around 2,000 genealogists who are reported to have attended this year's National Genealogical Society (NGS) Conference --- held last week in Richmond, Virginia --- were offered a preview of the forthcoming revamped search interface for the FamilySearch site.