Rivas/Quinones ancestry


I have traced the ancestry of some of the Rivas of Coahuila and Nuevo Leon to Rivas or de la Riva of Durango and the Quinones of Durango. Antonio Manual and Julian Rivas of Galeana, NL were born in Durango to Pedro Rivas and Maria Quinones who were married in 1723 at San Francisco de Asis, San Juan Del Rio, Durango. The records there only go to the late 1670's. Records for Nazas go to 1690s.

Genealogy Software for Mac

I am making the switch from a PC to a Mac... not as extreme as it may seem since the new Macs run Windows and Windows applications natively in addition to Mac operating system and software. But I would like to find some good genealogy software that I can use on the Macintosh side of the system.

How do you get evidence for Noble/royal lines? Jonathan

Hi there ,
I would like to have the file .

Thank you ,

> > For those of you who would like it. I can send a file that supposibly> traces the European Royality back to Adam. It is about 2.6 meg in size.

Degollado Ties

I recently learned that my mother's family came from Degollado, not La Barca as previously thought. Many members here have been helpful and supportive in the past so I wanted to post this update and hope for some possible links. The names I am now "researching" are: Bravo, Tinoco, Rizo, Ponce, Santana. These surnames are all on my mother's side and in the Degollado area mid to late 1800's.

My Ornelas Ancestry

Below is my Ornelas line and ancestry.

1.Daniel Mendez del Camino b. 1992 in San Jose, California, United States
2.Jose Gabriel Mendez Cortez b. 1956 in Tamazula de Gordiano, Jalisco, Mexico
3.Martin Mendez Serrano b. 1917 in Tamazula de Gordiano, Jalisco, Mexico

How do you get evidence for Noble/royal lines?

I have connected my Ornelas line back to Alvaro de Ornelas who came from portugal to Mexico city in 1527. He was the son of El "Conde de Dornelas" his name was also Alvaro Dornelas. I have backed it up through Microfilm back to 1565 in Lagos de Moreno where the Alvaros son was born in 1567, and then the rest is just what the royals except the genealogy.

[Genealogia.org.mx] 12097 12038 El pueblo de PEGUEROS, Jalisco

Hola Bill y Jorge:

Gusto en saludarlos, espero estén bien y les deseo lo mejor.

Yo también les doy gracias a los 2 por sus informaciones ya que
como también yo estudio mi genealogía en los altos de Jalisco, todos

Latin In Church Records

I wanted to thank everyone for helping me with those translations. I
realize more and more how important it is to go beyond literal
translations. Learning the history not only brings into the equation the

Regional meetings

I am aware that the Northern California (NorCal) group had a meeting in March, but don't remember seeing a follow-up report - did I miss it? where would I find it?
Are there any other regional meetings being planned this year ... just in case I might be in your area at the same time as a planned meeting - I'd like to join in, if possible. Just trying to plan ahead ; - )

Fw: [Nuestros Ranchos Genealogy of Jalisco, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes, Mexico] added comments to your folder

My name is Paula Wakefield and I am searching for maternal ancestors---any help will be appreciated. Thank You
Octaviano Castorena and Refugio Macias are my GGgrandparents. ( Maternal --moms' dads line) I have no info on them other than the following children.