Montejano book-request

Our library has the Sagrada Mitra de Guadalajara, antiguo Obispado de la Nueva
Galicia book by Montejano not available until August.

Could someone lookup the following marriage for me, they are my 6th great

How would I find a Spanish ancestor's escudo de armas?

I want to find the escudo de armas that was granted to a Spanish ancestor by the King of Spain around 1580s. Can someone please help me find the appropriate archivo or whatever. Thanks. Marge V:)

Personal invitation from Paco Herrera

Personal invitation from Paco Herrera

geneology and the bible

...and I contend that their is no discord between science or the
bible...simply gaps we don't in genealogy...only educated guesses when
one comes to a dead end of recorded history (and I do underscore HIStory).

My Heritage Software

I was wondering if there are any My Heritage software users? If so, can you please describe your experience with the program, including any success with Smart Matches. Thanks.


DNA Results

On Friday, I received the DNA results submitted by my brother to National Geographic. I must admit, I'm a bit disappointed.

I have been following the extraordinary PBS/National Geographic documentary on the DNA research of Spencer Wells, his theory is the world has evolved out of Africa.

Population of La Barca, Jalisco

What were the population estimates for La Barca, Jalisco in the 1800's, or for the state of Jalisco. I am interested to know how the population explosion of the past 30 years has led to such a lot of different people from other parts of the country.

Maria Luisa González Hernández

Hello all,

A few weeks ago I posted this question but received no response. Anyone have any info on Maria Luisa Gonzales Hernandez from Corazon de Jesus, Tecolotlan?



Ordering Microfilm & Slow turn around

Why is this taking so long? I also am awaiting a Roll of Microfilm, and
it is so far 2 months... Thank you Rose for informing us of this option.
I also like looking at the WHOLE film.
Irma Gomez-Lucero

Microfilm ordering delays

Yes, people at my family history center have been waiting very long, months
at a time, for films to arrive. But, I hesitate ordering more, because the
last time I did so, they all arrived the same week! In April, I got one I