"Calavera Highway" - on PBS

Just wondering if anyone else had seen the documentary, "Calavera Highway", a 'Point of View' (POV) documentary that aired on PBS (I saw it last night, Sep 16), but others may have seen it the night before last. This is not a genealogical story, but it is a family history story. The following is a brief description of the documentary:

Prieto, Delgadillo, Medrano


Nochistlan Zacatecas y sus alrededores, abundan con los tres apellidos, Prieto, Delgadillo y Medrano, quizas si no has investigado en esta ciudad y las ciudades circum-vecinas como Mexticacan y Teocaltiche, te seria productivo investigarlas.

Centros de Historia


Comunicate conmigo a mi correo personal, alliecar@pacbell.net y te puedo enseñar como se buscan los rollos de microfilm en familysearch.org y por el sitio de nuestros ranchos.

Sin mas,

Emilia Aburto.second last name was ?


checa esta pagina .

**************Psssst...Have you heard the news? There's a new fashion blog,

Emilia Aburto.second last name was ?

José Rincón Gallardo y Doblado, que casó con Emilia Aburto, eran los padres de mi abuelo Fernando Rincon Gallardo Aburto,que casó Maria Galup y Santiago Sañudo padres de Patricia Rincon Sañudo < mi madre.

Rincon de Romos

I seem to have mental block, can someone tell me if Rincon de Romos is in Jalisco or Zacatecas?

thanks, Linda in B.C.

Alvaro Carrillo

Hello everybody,

I am looking for the parents of Alvaro Carrilo from Teocaltiche , Jalisco he married Maria Alvarez de Sandi , daughter of Capitan Lorenzo Alvarez and Agustina de Viera ( velados ) March 4, 1585 in Lagos de Moreno , Jalisco .

Centros de Historia Familiar

Hola Victor,

Creo que David y Lester contestaron la mayoria de tus preguntas, pero
vale la pena aclarar un poco mas lo que encontrarias en esos
microfilms. Cada rollo contiene imagenes de cada pagina del libro

Boehm research



Bon voyage tomorrow. How exciting your trip sounds.

I found the link above that I found in your message below to be very enlightening about how one can possibly trace ancestors in Europe, not through church records that only go back to the Reformation in the 1400s, but through tax books, court records, minutes of manorial systems, subject lists, soldiers' pay books, mercenary lists, prisoner lists, etc. I also now understand how knights (professional soldiers) went into civil service as castellans (royal military civil servants, with no royal titles, of the sovereigns).

Correcting IGI Mistake

Hi, All:
I had gotten some information from the LDS Family Search Site, on the
International Genealogical Index, IGI, and had used it to guide my research
and to add to my ancestral chart I put on this site. It is in regards to