Haro and Robles of Zacatecas

My twin sister and I first began researching our family history four years ago. We have found a lot through Ancestry.com and FamilySearch.org.


These two persons are my Maternal 5th Great Grandparents. They were married on 24 May 1744 in Aguascalientes (El Sagrario).

Huichole Ancestry

Do any of you have any indigenous ancestry? My grandfather on my mom's side is from the Huichole Indians in the Huejuquilla, Jalisco area.

Here is a website of the indigenous Huicholes:

Sebastián de Luna y Josefa Lozano.

Hola compañeros, hace días leí que alguien quería saber quienes eran los padres de Sebastián de Luna y Josefa Lozano.

Name of Ship or Galleon that you ancestor traveled on to Mexico in Colonial Times?

I was wondering if any of you have ever found out the name of the ship or galleon that your ancestor traveled on from Europe to Colonial Mexico?

Los Carrillo de Saltillo, Coahuila

3era.Generacion, Profesor en medicina. Francisco Antonio Carrillo Quiroz , nacio el 11 de diciembre de 1886 en Gral.