Petronila de Moctezuma

Has anyone further researched Petronila and found documents on her true identity?

This is what I have been able to put together from the internet, this is a assumption of her origins.

Research Digest, Vol 104, Issue 22

My Palestinian relatives have also told me about azuc for azucar and zapat
for zapatos, who knew?

Alguien que me ayude a leer la información de este matrimonio Pablo Loera y Lorenza Esparza por favor

"México, Aguascalientes, registros parroquiales, 1620-1962," images, FamilySearch (,64894802,70299701 : access

¿Un soldado francés casado con una mexicana?

Buscando una dispensa de uno de mis antepasados me topé con esto.,171974101,179415701

Unusual Entry

Hello Group,
This entry doesn't follow the usual formula I've read in baptismal entries, so I need your kind assistance in interpreting.

Family Tree from

I just found out the hard way that anyone can change, delete, merge and add people to the free version of Family Tree from familysearch.

Censo de Revillagigedo 1790

Hola apreciados primos.. por fin logre subir a la red el censo a que hago mencion en el espacio destinado a Asunto. Esta completo.

Censo de Revilagigedo 1790

Hola apreciados primos.. por fin logre subir a la red el censo a que hago mencion en el espacio destinado a Asunto. Esta completo.

Help with deciphering an Ejutla record

Hi everyone,

I've been trying to figure a few things on a marriage record on my own to no avail.
The record is #173. Here is the link.

Fw: Printing Entries

--- On Mon, 9/22/14, Alice Blake wrote:

> From: Alice Blake
> Subject: Re: Printing Entries
> To: "alice wissing"
> Date: Monday