Nueva Galicia Genealogical Society Southern California Chapter 1st Meeting Reminder
If you are planning to attend our first meeting of the NGGS So Cal chapter, please email us at so we can arrange appropriate seating for everyone.
Dom-05.Oct-2014 Muerte del Padre de Rick Rodriguez, Presidente de la Sociedad de Genealogia e Historia de los Altos de Jalisco
Lupita GonzalezGenealogía e Historia de Los Altos de Jalisco
12 h · Guadalajara · Editado ·
accessing Family search records for Mexico
okay I give up.. I can't figure out how to get in.. I read and used the links shown but can someone who is getting in explain again.
FW: Somos Primos October 2014
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, October 01, 2014 10:54 PM
Subject: Somos Primos October 2014
Jauregui Family of Seville - Transatlantic Traders
I found information on a Jauregui family of Seville while reading the book "Linajudos and Conversos in Seville" by Ruth Pike.
Censo de 1797 de la Ciudad de Chihuahua, Mexico
Apreciados primos. Ya esta en la red, el Censo de la Ciudad de Chhuahua de 1797.
Favorite Personal Items Passed Down For Generations?
Have any of you have an personal or favorite items such as jewelry, watch, painting, etc of your ancestors that was passed down for generations?
Need Help Accessing Zacatecas Church Records on familysearch
I am having difficulty accessing Zacatecas Church records on familysearch.
I haven't tried to do so in a long time, and lost my bookmarks when I got a
new computer.
MAGDALENO: ¿Magdaleno de Mendoza? o ¿Mejia Magdaleno?
(to follow in English)
He descubierto algo muy interesante, ¿a lo mejor tendra alguien mas informacion sobre esta linea?
Codices of Ancient and Colonial Mexico
Are any of you familiar with "codices of Mexico" They are very old drawings from the time ancient times of Mexico and also colonial times.
There are so many of them as I am looking at them.