Re Lopez de Valverde

Hello Paige, I know the feeling. Where from exactly?

López de Velarde


Is there anyone in the forum that has information on Margarita López de
Velarde that's married to Antonio Alonso de Los Ynojos.

Questions Pares and Inquisition Records for Ruiz de Esparza

I have two questions. First, does anybody know if the Pasajeros a Indias information that appears in the Pares search engine is complete?

Valades or Macias Valades?

I have been studying the Macias Valades family, and have found this family which is causing some confusion.

Juan Valades (1st) m. Maria Rebollo (or Lopez Rebollo) and had at least two children:

Research Question for Aguascalientes Family

Is anyone familiar with the names Antonio de la Paz Tinoco and Ana de Luera from Aguascalientes. Circa 1680 to 1740

I am trying to find out who their parents were.

Their children were:

Possible Presentation on Codices of Mexico

There was a posting that asked whether there would be interest in hearing a presentation by Dr. John Pohl about the codices. My answer is an emphatic yes!


Hello all,

Can anyone in the forum tell me what the difference is between an alcalde
ordinario and an alcalde mayor?


codices of Mexico

One of La Senora Research Institute Academic Fellow is an expert on these
Codices. Dr. John Pohl is his name.