Transcription of Tamaulipas birth record
If anyone is willing for a challenge, here's one I am having a lot of trouble with. Francisca Rincón Ynfante moved to Rincón de Romos and married there, but her birth record is giving me grief.
i just got the results for my aunt and grandpa's dna tests from ancestry
i felt like sharing this since it could give me a better idea how some of my mom's matches are related to her in the cases where i don't know how they fit in.
My GG Grandfather Patricio Madera (1792 - ?) - Firma A La Adhesion Al Federalismo 1824
I was chatting with a distant relative who we both share a common ancestor "Patricio Madera (1792 - ?)" of Huejuquilla El Alto, Jalisco, Mexico.
Aeral View of Capilla San Diego and Parroquia San Diego at Huejuquilla El Alto
This picture was taken by someone who used a cuadcopter such as a Phantom Cuadcopter with camera to take pictures of Huejuquilla.
Panteon Antiguo at San Antonio De Padua near Huejuquilla El Alto
I am chatting with another person from Huejuquilla El Alto. She is a distant cousin of mine and she lives there. She is educated and also likes geneology.
Website pictures of Panteon of Monte Escobedo (Panteon Antiguo? or the Present Panteon?)
I found this website with pictures of a panteon of Monte Escobedo. Looks old and made out of cantera:
Surname Guapalia?
I just received a copy of my great grandfather Teodoro de Alba's death
certificate which lists his mother's name as "Synthia Guapalia". The
informant was his oldest son.
Snacks and Music while looking through archives
Do any of you eat snacks or listen to music while looking through archives?
Se Enterro En Hospital (Defunto en Mezquitic) 1785
I ran across this defunto of Maria Zaragoza Lopez of Minillas who it says that she passed away in Huejuquilla and was brought to Mezquitic por haber pagado los derechos al cura de Huejuquilla.
what is this record about?,171934802,172684301