Interesting video about Documentary on Zorro, Inquisition Archives of 17th Century Mexico
I am watching a documentary about Zorro and it talks about a write in Mexico named Vicente Riva Palacio.
Looking for some information on this Branch of the Luevano Family
I started researching my wife's Paternal side and it looks like I have hit the Brick wall already this is where I'm stuck
Felipe De Luevana y Maria Teresa Espinoza I found these names on one of his son's Marriage
Felipe De Jesus Luevana y Maria Micaela De Jesus Gonzalez married on Dec 28 1774 the record was found on The records of Maria De Asuncion Aguascalientes 1772-1777 image # 160 if anyone outhere has any clue about Felipe and Maria Teresa please let me know .
What exactly is a Puesta? Is it just a non-specific place or is it more specific than that? Is it like a small village? Is it considered temporary or permanent?
Ana Ortiz de San Pedro
I'm looking for any information about Ana Ortiz de San Pedro wife of Mateo Rio de la Loza en Jerez, Zacatecas. ( I don't have the name of Ana's parents)
Arbol Genealogico
Estoy usando el programa de My Heritage para crear mi arbol genealogico, muy facil de trabajar con el programa, facil de entender y agregar fotos o archivos de la familia.
Arbol Genealogico
Estoy usando el programa de My Heritage para crear mi arbol genealogico, muy facil de trabajar con el programa, facil de entender y agregar fotos o archivos de la familia.
General Digest, Vol 111, Issue 3
Delia, I’m Mary Anne Pentis and I have had both FAMILY TREE mtDNA done with them and also with ANCESTRY DNA. I recommend starting with FAMILY TREE as it should give results you want.
Which "Indio Tribe" are people from Mezquitic or Zacatecas area during Colonial times?
I have a question to ask? When I have been researching our ancestors in the LDS archives for the Mezquitic area of Jalisco, Mexico. And ran across people stated as "indio" which indio tribe?
DNA tests recommendations
My name is Delia Dominguez Duran. I am a member of Nuestros Ranchos as l have attempted to discover my ancestral roots.