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Panteon Antiguo at San Antonio De Padua near Huejuquilla El Alto

By MADERA_32 - Posted on 19 March 2015

I am chatting with another person from Huejuquilla El Alto. She is a distant cousin of mine and she lives there. She is educated and also likes geneology.

She has told me that at San Antonio De Padua there is an "old panteon."

"Yo te había platicado que antiguamente enterraban a los muertos en el atrio de las iglesias o terrenos adjuntos. Como en san Antonio de padua allí está el cementerio antiguo del pueblito"

I have to keep note of the comment that she said there is a panteon antiguo at San Antonio de Padua. It must be older than the panteon of the present in Huejuquilla.

The other panteon antiguo that was at Huejuquilla (which I have mentioned and shown with photos of that location), was removed.

The old panteon of San Antonio De Padua, I need to visit it.