Baptism Abbreviations - Purisima del Rincon

While we've made good progress in other lines, we continue to get stuck with the line through Purisima del Rincon.

San Julio Álvarez Mendoza Family

I received an email from a relative asking me if we were related to San Julio Álvarez Mendoza.

Capellania question

I'm hoping someone can help me find the testament and capellania for Marcos Gonzalez from Jalpa who died in 1670.

Research Digest, Vol 111, Issue 4

I believe Estefana did have different parents. (I'm going over old notes a distant cousin wrote for me.) this cousin had Estefana listed as having Tadeo Dias & Genoveva as the parents.

Want to update my research

It's been quite some time, and I have recently updated my tree, and I wish to update it here. I am using Can you help?

La Purisima Concepcion, Valparaiso church records

Does anyone know if church records exist for La Purisima Concepcion in Valparaiso, Zacatecas for the periods, pre-1834 & 1834-1865?


Michael Carrillo

Pars Website document may contain about founding of Huejuquilla El Alto in 1649

The reference number is: GUADALAJARA,230,L.3

University of Austin Texas Collection of Maps

I was reading about mining in Bolanos, Jalisco, Mexico:

And it lead me to map collections by the University of Austin, Texas:

Self Introduction

My name is Cathy Tagliabue. I am from the Houston, Texas area. I am researching my Mother's biological father Pablo Montano from Juanacatlin, Jalisco, Mexico.