La Joya Search
Hello, could someone tell me where "La Joya" is located? I believe I found a document from a relative that states he is from La Joya, Mexico.
Research Digest, Vol 111, Issue 22
Very helpful thanks!!
From: "research-request@lists.nuestrosranchos.com"
To: research@lists.nuestrosranchos.com
Sent: Sunday, April 26, 2015 3:08
Did My 7th Generation Great Grandfather have two women?
My 7th Generation Great Grandparents are:
Antonio Madera (1660 - 1709) and Maria De La Candelaria Angon (1655 - 1735)
First pic is the defunto of Maria De La Candelaria Angon (year 1735):
Marriage Information
Now I need some help with Información matrimonial. I found a record in FamilySearch for Placido Xavier and Maria Antonia Bernardina De Los Reyes with a marriage date of 4 May 1757 in El Sagragrio.
1913 - 1917 civil records from jalpa zacatecas
first I what to say Iam new to the group and I want to say thank you for inviting me to be part of something special.
My folder
And, as usual, I forgot to include the link to my folder.
Files uploaded and last name mystery
I uploaded 4 files today for the Surez paternal great grandparents.
Morgan Bryns genealogy
Hello and welcome to Nuestros Ranchos
I just opened your post and found your family tree about an hour ago and saw some of my ancestors.
FTDNA - CBS Sunday Morning, 4/26
I received the following newsletter from FTDNA:
DNA Day 2015 is here! Every year students, teachers, and the public take this day to learn more about genetics and genomics!