Encarnacion de Diaz land transfer dating 1854

I have a written property transfer from Josefa de Alva to Gregorio Mayagoitia. Document is dated April 2, 1854. Document is written by Francisco de Alba, Josefa's brother.

Hacienda de Ciénega, Jerez, Zacatecas

Buenas tardes!!
No se si tendrán algunas referencias históricas acerca de la hacienda de Ciénega, en Jerez, Zacatecas, de la familia Gordoa, Viadero o Breña.

Familia Gordoa de Zacatecas

Buenas noches!
Quisiera saber sino me podrian ayudar con algunos datos genealogicos, historicos, etc, acerca de la familia Gordoa que arribó al estado de Zacatecas en 1815.

MARTINEZ/MARTIN/ MARTIN DEL CAMPO help Meson de Los sauces/Lagos de Moreno

Hello, so my paternal side is from Meson de Los sauces it seems. As far as I can get any info as most of the recent generations of family was born in Los Angeles, California.

Reynoso family from jalostotitlan, jalisco

this is a repost from my original post

Estancia del Monte

Hello everyone, I’m just right to give up on researching a branch that motivated me to start with this hobby, I’ve gotten to around the year 1821 with Tomas Sanchez, son of Trinidad Sanchez and María

FamilySearch blue boxes on Images

Suddenly every image of the Tlaltenango baptisms 1888-1889 on FamilySearch have blue boxes, outlining and sometimes obscuring the text.

Question about geneology of Jalisco, Zacatecas, Aguascalientes

My question is about what provinces to be included in the geneology of Nuestros Ranchos.