Saludos and introduction Dora Escobedo

Hola y saludos! I'm not sure if this is the place to post an introduction. If not, could someone please direct me to the appropriate place to post.

Pedro Muñoz - son or not son of Nicolás Muñoz de Jerez ?

Good morning,

I figured as a new recent member I could pose my first question (many more to follow haha) and be hopeful that someone can shed some light on a roadblock.

GEDCOM, new user

Hi, I'm new to the website and was trying to find out how to create GEDCOM files online? I can't seem to actually open any of those links, only hover over them to see what's there.

Greetings from a new member / Saludos de un miembro nuevo

Hello everybody,
I am Fernando Carrillo. I've been researching on my ancestors for quite a few time and find myself thrilled to be a member of this genalogy group.

URL - annallison

Oops! I forgot to include my URL in my introduction which I posted this morning.