New Members: A Suggestion!/Nuevos miembros: Una Sugerencia!

I would suggest RESENDING your introduction to the group and ADDING the URL to your folder.

Retoños de España de la Nueva Galicia

Retoños de España de la Nueva Galicia is a 10-volume set that we are selling by individual volumes.

Images for Batch M60575-1

I am looking for the images that correspond to the indexed records for

Esparza Cosío, descendientes de Calixto Esparza y Carmen Cosio Romo

Busco descendencia de los Esparza Cosío: Pedro (1873), Sabina (1882), Arcadio (1887) y María de los Santos (1888), nacidos en Zacatecas y Guadalupe.

Ancestry of the Padilla family from Los Altos de Jalisco

I posted three ancestral lines of the "Padilla" family of "Los Altos de Jalisco."

One line shows the paternal line starting with Mateos Davila.

"Hazcata" by Colotlan

In the 23 Sep 1760 Colotlan baptism of Matheo (second from bottom right at ), his birth is placed at Hazcata.


Hi everyone!

Tree Trolls - Adding profiles here to prevent new comers from perpetuating mistakes.

Few days ago we were commenting on how in Family Search there is been a huge amount of records modified and wrongly merged (on purpose) by trolls, been the most notorious "Mbarrena" who also goes by o

Tree Trolls - Adding profiles here to prevent new comers from perpetuating mistakes.

Few days ago we were commenting on how in Family Search there is been a huge amount of records modified and wrongly merged (on purpose) by trolls, been the most notorious "Mbarrena" who also goes by o