Meeting in Southern California

It was so nice to meet with those of you who were able to attend the
luncheon meeting in southern California today. The food was delicious!
Thanks to all of you who pulled this together.

I was talking to Rosalinda about the possibility of someone compiling a book
list of relevant resources.

Any discussion on how to get access to out-of-print books?

~Deena Ortiz~

Yahoo! Groups Links

Ranchos Southern California Meeting

To whoever wants to see pictures of our meeting, please email your
email your address to me so I can send you an "invitation" to view
them. You can email me at:

Peggy Delgado

Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

<*> To unsubscribe from this group, send an email to:

Pictures of the Ranchos/Southern California meeting

To whoever wants to see pictures of our meeting, please email your email your address to me so I can send you an "invitation" to view them. You can email me at:

Pictures of the Ranchos/Southern California meeting

To whoever wants to see pictures of our meeting, please email your email your address to me so I can send you an "invitation" to view them. You can email me at:

Alicia was right: Pretensa

I haven't studied the word to get its exact meaning but I've understood
it to be the woman involved in the marriage with pretenso referring to
the man. probably more there about that.

joseph. . .George Ryskamps book might go more into it "Finding Your
Hispanic Roots."

Yahoo! Groups Links

<*> To visit your group on the web, go to:

Dialog of Dead Cast

Great Fantastic wonderful.

Lourdes is Maria

Marge is the Narrator

Alicia is Immigrant

Joseph is Above-it-All

there are still a few parts left. . .any other brave souls out there?

Available parts: Chicano,  Latino,  Heckler, Policeman, Immigration Officer
(female), Army Soldier, Sheriff, FBI Agent. Two male stage hands. [all
remaining parts are male unless noted].


Narrator (female)
[Taken],  María (female) [Taken],  Immigrant (female) [Taken], Above-It-All [Taken]

Posting To New Group

there are 3 message forums at the new site. It was set up like that so
people could choose which messages they wanted to receive.

the catagories are:


to post messages to these forums you need to "subscribe" to them. In
doing that a message is generated and sent to you asking that you
confirm your wish to join that forum. when you reply to that message you

Help deciphering Informacion matrimonial

Hi all:

I was hoping someone could take a look at the informacion matrimonial for my great grandfather's marriage to his first wife. Specifically, there's one word that I can't make out under the "Consentimento" part. I'm hoping someone on this listserve has come across similar language.

The line says: "En el curato de Tlaltenango a los cinco dias del mes de Febrero de mil noveicientos tres ante mi el Presbitero Don Jose de Jesus Robles, Cura de esta parroquia comparecieron Pedro Pinedo y Maria Natividad Godoy madre de la _______________ y ambos dijeron que sus expresados hijos..."