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Help deciphering Informacion matrimonial

By Nuestros Ranchos - Posted on 25 February 2006

Hi all:

I was hoping someone could take a look at the informacion matrimonial for my great grandfather's marriage to his first wife. Specifically, there's one word that I can't make out under the "Consentimento" part. I'm hoping someone on this listserve has come across similar language.

The line says: "En el curato de Tlaltenango a los cinco dias del mes de Febrero de mil noveicientos tres ante mi el Presbitero Don Jose de Jesus Robles, Cura de esta parroquia comparecieron Pedro Pinedo y Maria Natividad Godoy madre de la _______________ y ambos dijeron que sus expresados hijos..."

I hope to hear from someone soon...

Chris Pineda