Order of Help

I see that Rosalinda helped Peggy and Mickey here is my help order:

okay here is the new assignment for all: just be patient and I'll be
with you in a short time. don't fret. . .there is plenty of time and
I'll be with you. here is my list of people to help in the order I'll
help when I get home either today or tomorrow from work:

Trying to create file

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Suggestion for the new site


Would it be too hard to make the messages posted in the main section be shown in full, instead of having to click the "read more" link?

Also, could you try other fonts to see if the text becomes more readable?



Suggestion for the new site


Would it be too hard to make the messages posted in the main section be shown in full, instead of having to click the "read more" link?

Also, could you try other fonts to see if the text becomes more readable?



ATTN: Zendean! was Mickey in Texas

Thanks.  If he contacts me I will let him know.

-----Original Message-----
From: Emilie Garcia
Sent: Mar 6, 2006 5:44 PM
To: ranchos@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [ranchos] Mickey in Texas

New Site Assignment

Hello everyone,

I know change is a challenge for everyone. It is no easier for me to
change from the Yahoo group format to something different, but change
nonetheless is necessary for our survival.

Letters from Jaime Holcome

I just ran across some documents attributed to letters from the late Jaime Holcombe. One of the documents has some very valuable information regarding one of my lineages (a very important one because I have five lines going back to these people). I know that Jaime Holcombe passed away some years back but I am wondering if anyone is familiar with his work, would know where to get authoratative copies of it (perhaps with sources) as well as if there is an official repositor of his research that I could contact?

Letters from Jaime Holcome

I just ran across some documents attributed to letters from the late Jaime Holcombe. One of the documents has some very valuable information regarding one of my lineages (a very important one because I have five lines going back to these people). I know that Jaime Holcombe passed away some years back but I am wondering if anyone is familiar with his work, would know where to get authoratative copies of it (perhaps with sources) as well as if there is an official repositor of his research that I could contact?

Customs of Wedding /Celebrations/Food/

When I was a little girl many years ago (haha)., I can
remember going to weddings here in Kansas City. It
was an all day event. The wedding mass would begin
around 9:00 or 10:00, after mass we would have Mexican
bread and hot chocolate, then around 1:00 to 4:00 they
would have the reception with Chicken & Mole,
tortillas, sopa and of course Mexican music or a
Marichi band, then we would go home and rest and get