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New Site Assignment

By makas_nc - Posted on 06 March 2006

Hello everyone,

I know change is a challenge for everyone. It is no easier for me to
change from the Yahoo group format to something different, but change
nonetheless is necessary for our survival.

having said that. . .we are going to be making a serious push to
transition over to the new site in the next several weeks. So this is
what I need from you.

1) go to the website and using your Yahoo ID request a password be sent
to you (NOTE: do not start a new account).

2) after you get your password sent to you go back in with your Yahoo
ID and the new password and "LOG-IN."

3) then request a new password if you want or keep the exisiting one,
WHERE YOU CAN FIND IT (and yes I was kind of yelling, did you hear

4) now after you are logged in I want you to go to "mailing lists" and
subscribe to one or two or all three of them. WHen you do this a group
generated "confirmation" letter will be sent to you. (one for each list
you chose, 3 max). You will have to "reply" to that "confirmation"
email in order for you to be subscribed to the email distribution list.

Let's go with that for now, but

if you are really wanting to dig in for more you can

5) go to "create content" and set up a folder for yourself under "Member
Genealogy Files"

Have a look at Angie Godina's and My folder and try to use this format
just like we had in the Yahoo groups: for example

Angie Godina (

Joseph Puentes (; makas_nc)

I would like Peggy, Lourdes, and LongsJourney to
follow this format. . .basically I need this help

and truthfully if it wouldn't be an inconvenience to you all I would
prefer this format:

Joseph Puentes (; makas_nc)

[[[that is the person's name, followed by their email address, followed
by their ID]]]]]]]]]]

what do you think can we do that.

thanks all and let me know if I can help you. I might be slow at doing
this but I'll get to you all in the order of help needed.

