New LDS Guide to Mexican Family History

FamilySearch announced today the release of a new research product that will help those with Mexican heritage to succeed in their quest to learn more about their ancestors. The research guide, Finding Records of Your Ancestors, Mexico, features easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions, colorful graphics and tear-out worksheets. A free copy can be viewed or downloaded below.

[Fwd: 2006-04-04 02:30 (Mb 6.0) OFF COAST OF JALISCO, MEXICO 18.7 -107.0]

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: 2006-04-04 02:30 (Mb 6.0) OFF COAST OF JALISCO, MEXICO 18.7
Date: Mon, 03 Apr 2006 19:52:28 -0700 (PDT)
From: (USGS ENS)

Add Your Films on Nuestros Ranchos

As some of you have noticed, one of the new functionalities of the new Nuestros Ranchos site is the films database. The database allows you to search the IGI and VRI indices on simply by finding the name of the relevant municipality and the relavant dates. The database also has information on films that members have on permanent loan at their local Family History Centers.

New Files Uploaded To Nuestros Ranchos


Four new files for my decsendants Juan Zuniga, Domingo Nava, Diego Luna and
Miguel Carlos Godoy all from Tepetongo, Jerez and Monte Escovedo Zac.

Sally Zuniga- Quinones matthew_chavez1

Genealogia Section to Podcast

Seems that the word: Genealogy is a looked upon with distain from those
that study History. For that reason I left the word out of the
description of the Nuestra Familia Unida podcast project. Genealogy is a

Some General Links/TepetongoDeaths/History of Zacatecas


Also the below articles were from the latest Somos Primos newletter and

Somos Primos April 2006 Table of Contents

Mimi Lozano and Somos Primos have been so supportive of the Nuestra
Familia Unida podcast project. This issue has two insertions: one under
Culture and the other under Archaeology.

My sincere thanks go out to Mimi and the Somos Primos organization,

Latest grandchild

My wife Gloria and I are still here, Xossef. You can't lose us that easily. We're slow but steady...como las tortugas. We don't have any great grandchildren yet. Our latest grandchild is Elena Lin, 8 months old. Her father is our youngest son, Eduardo Mateo Cancio DELGADO Calvillo. Her mother is Janeen Louie Wong, fourth generation Chinese-American. Elena's GGGGGGGGGParents are: Pedro de Campos and Xacinntta de Espinossa from Pinos, Zacatecas. I estimate their birth at 1660/1665. That's on my father's side. Gloria would have to do her own calculation for her side.

Reply for Joseph


Got your request. Some of my fondest memories of my Mom are of the way she
would use hand gestures to emphasize a point. Such as touching the tip of her
index finger to the area below the outside corner of her eye, then pulling



I hope somebody can help me with this. In one of my lines from Jerez-tepetongo (Salinas line). I have a document (Marriage 1737) that saids that the family was from TENASCO. I assumed that was in Jalisco. I found a dam with the name Tenaxco very close to colotlan-Sta Maria de los Angeles. But now there isn't a town with that name. Can anyone tell me if Tenasco was the old name for the region? Where should I look for the records? Maybe Colotlan?, Maybe Sta Maria de los Angeles? Has anyone seen the name tenasco (tenaxco)?